Monday, April 28, 2008

Junes Pets!

hey everyone. i was just visiting a new website dip had mentioned to me called kinzfans. i decided to check it out and saw that they had found what June's pets looked like! their is a picture of them on the top curtesy of Kinzfans!!!Enjoy & Keep Posted



Anonymous said...

kool!!! + did u know that there going 2 make a dragon with a unicorn horn but I'm not shure what it iz called I think a Teloscoler3 but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

me hungy 4 more new Webkinz

dip5000 said...


Mandy said...

omg, i was JUST going to post that but i saw u already did knutie!!!! yay

dip5000 said...

that is so ttly funny

dip5000 said...

love the auction when it end

Mandy said...

the auction ends, like, next thursday

dip5000 said...


dip5000 said...

can it end earlier