Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Biggest Contest Yet!

We are having another contest! This one's pretty simple...
Go to as many different webkinz blogs as you can and advertise us! Write something like, "There's an awesome contest at Mandy and Knutie's Kinzblog! Come and check it out!" Like that, and make sure to tell us WHICH websites you've posted on so we can check. At the end of the contest, which will be JUNE 20th, 2008, we will tally up the ads and give out prizes to the 4 people who advertised the MOST. Here are the great prizes...
1. POTM item, the carnival stregnth tester!!!!!
2. Bowling Alley (that's right, the one that's worth 10,000 kinzcash!!)
3. Black Bear PSI
4. Street Lamp Traffic thing (Lol)
Have fun, and keep posted for more contests!

PS- If you can't tell us how many websites you've advertised on in a comment, e-mail them to


Anonymous said...

on this comment board, click the Name/Url circle, and write your name like this.

dip5000 said...

mine up above lol :)

Anonymous said...


dip5000 said...

cool it works

Anonymous said...

so fun

Anonymous said...

How r u guys?