Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Rooms!

Here are some pictures of my favourite webkinz rooms! And, My first super bed!! Sorry the pictures arent too good!

i took them with my camera! its easier then screen shots! Keep Posted!



Anonymous said...

Hi Knutie,
I told u what I got for Xmas and stuff but u never replied :(
I am so bored...GUESS WHAT I MIGHT GET A GUINEA PIG FOR MY BIRTHDAY OMG OMG OMG OMG EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I am soooo excited hehehehehe I REALY want a guinea pig!

Anonymous said...

i had a guinea pig but it died last years!! ita name was buddy and yes they are extremely cute

Anonymous said...

R U mad at me for some reason? B/c u havent been, like, emailing. (OK I havent either but are u mad at me?) I added ur MSN. :)
Do guinea pigs bite like hamsters? I had a hamster and it was so scary thank god it died. It nearly bit my hand off lol.

Anonymous said...

no julia, why would i be mad at you? and i just havent been checking my e-mail lately so i havent sent you anything! i didnt get a list of what you got for chritmas either! and no guinea pigs dont bite unless ur really well mean and hurt them and stuff! when i first got it it bit a few times but it doesnt hurt! but they are the cutest pets ever!

Mandy said...

ohhhhh. good. well my hamster bit and my hand bled a lot and it was really bad. did u see my blog (the trading thing) 36 comments man!!!!! omg we went to the states yesterday and there were like billions of webkinz wowzers. i got lots of clothes :)