Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Contest!

hey everyone. since its easter me and julia have decided to start a new contest! its going to be the person who comes up with the best idea for a contest lol. then, we will have the chosen contest along with a post from the winner themselves. they will have to e-mail us with their post and we will put it up asap! here are the rules:
  1. put your idea for a contest along with your username
  2. make sure the contest is your own idea not a contest from someone elses blog
  3. make sure you use your imagination
  4. have fun!

so everyone have a great easter!!Keep Posted



Anonymous said...

hi not that this is a new idea but i love comment contests my user name is gyamnast425

Anonymous said...

what about a new idea contest
People send in their ideas for what they think webkinz should make next
My username is ChickentasticGirl

dip5000 said...

my idea is on the other one